Welcome to Kingsway!
I’m Mrs Mckinnon and I am Head Teacher here at Kingsway Primary School.
Kingsway Primary is a fantastic school full of wonderful children and amazing staff. In fact, we are a shining jewel in the local community.
Kingsway is one big family where everyone is cared for and loved from the moment they walk through the school gates. Our ambition for the children at Kingsway is for them to thrive and flourish. The children learn from a well planned, expertly delivered curriculum which is taught to them by highly skilled professionals.
Our Kingsway Jewel Values underpin everything we do in school as we teach our children to become independent learners and active members of their community. We encourage student leadership and active citizenship and provide the opportunity for children to become school ambassadors. The first jewel value we teach the children is Kindness as this is the key to everyone feeling safe, feeling happy and being ready to learn.
Our school is representative of a diverse community in the Braunstone and Thorpe Astley area and we work hard to make sure that our curriculum is reflective of the experiences and families of the children who come to our school. In fact our favourite jewel value is Welcome everybody and working together.
We are a busy school with 315 children on the main primary school site and a further 12 children in our specialist SEMH provision, Shine @ Kingsway which is next door. We are also part of the LiFE Multi Academy Trust and we work closely with the primary and secondary schools in the trust. We have a fantastic relationship with The Winstanley School next door and their HeadTeacher, Mr Bennett.
We have great relationships with the parents at our school and have had fantastic feedback on how well we communicate as well as the opportunities they have to come into school to see what the children are learning.
I am very proud to be part of the Kingsway family and look forward to welcoming you into our lovely school very soon.
Germaine Mckinnon
Head Teacher