This is timetabled as a lesson in its own right and is an investment in time that benefits all subject areas. CREW stands for the regular Coaching, Reflection, Enrichment and Well-being. At the heart of CREW is establishing positive working relationships with learners so that they have the confidence to set challenging goals.
Pupil Agency
Pupil agency is defined as ‘giving students voice and choice in how they learn’. At Kingsway, we encourage and promote pupil agency by coaching our children to set a goal, reflect and act responsibly to effect change. It is about acting rather than being acted upon; shaping rather than being shaped; and making responsible decisions and choices rather than accepting those determined by others.
This doesn’t happen by magic – so we coach the children to adopt these behaviours
Our teachers present the children with these opportunities and activities to build agency. We actively coach our learners and hold them accountable for their behaviour and the work that they produce.
At Kingsway, we also amplify pupil agency by giving them a voice to actively engage in campaigns that they care about.
Race Equity in Education Campaign
Stephen Lawrence Ambassadors
KS2 classes appoint two Stephen Lawrence Ambassadors each who wear orange lanyards with pride. These are responsible for championing anti-racism and inclusivity around school and in each classroom. Stephen Lawrence ambassadors undertake promotional activities and workshops around these areas and promote these to their peers, parents and family members.
In order to support this, the Stephen Lawrence Ambassadors meet regularly with our Race Equity champion, Miss. Saddler, and discuss strategies that can be shared with the whole school, Governing Body and Senior Leaders.
The Stephen Lawrence ambassadors undertake training in upholding Kingsway’s values by being an upstander and fighting for a fair and equal society. Our ambassadors are trained in the five steps to social change – a training delivered by Citizens UK.

Anti- Racism Pledge Card
This Stephen Lawrence Day I pledge to …………………………………………….in order to inspire societal change by empowering the next generation with knowledge that goes beyond traditional educational norms.
The Stephen Lawrence Ambassadors are currently campaigning for ‘Racial Literacy in Education’.
Every year, Kingsway Primary School takes part in commemorating Stephen Lawrence Day on 22nd April. Our Stepehn Lawrence Ambassadors visit De Montfort University to participate in activities organised by Stephen Lawrence Research Centre. This year our ambassadors really enjoyed designing their own ‘Hopeful Futures’ t-shirts and learning about architecture.
The whole school took part in engaging in thoughtful and positive conversations about ‘Hope’. Every child designed their hope pledge card to convey their vision for a fairer society.
Your voice is important to us, Kingsway staff members. Are you willing to make a positive difference to the school? Fill the ‘Racial Justice in Education’ survey by scanning the QR code.

Stephen Lawrence Ambassadors Interviews
School Based Counselling Campaign
In 2020 and 2021, we held over 1000 conversations across our LiFE MAT around the current provision of mental health in our schools and how the situation can be improved further.
The listening campaign identified that an increasing number of children and young people are finding it difficult to cope with mental health especially after COVID. In the spring of 2021, we formed a core team with Leicester and Leicestershire Citizens to identify practical solutions to the mental health challenges faced by our young people.
KS2 children apply for the role of Well-being ambassadors by filling in an application form. They wear yellow lanyards and are responsible for promoting a growth mindset across the school. The ambassadors have received training from the Charlie Waller Trust and will oversee the promotion of positive mental health in their classes and around school.
Refugee Welcome School Campaign
We couldn’t believe our eyes and ears when the war started in Ukraine. Nobody was left unaffected, especially the students whom we teach in our primary and secondary schools. They were asking us questions about the reasons for his war and more importantly the repercussions of the brutal attack on the nationals of Ukraine.
The scale of the crisis became enormous in a matter of hours and therefore we, at LiFE MAT decided to make a difference: however small it might be but a positive difference in the lives of our Ukrainian friends. We joined hands with our Citizens Leicester and Leicestershire alliance and pledged to resettle at least 50 refugee families as possible through our networks.
Following on from this decision, our ambassadors put a Welcome Plan together. They supported other local schools in the development of their plans as well as designed assemblies and activities to make Refugee Week on 20th June 2022.
It was an extremely proud moment for our MAT when all our schools got accredited with the ‘Refugee Welcome School’ status with Citizens UK and NASUWT.