Missing out on school means missing out on learning, building lasting friendships and gaining better life chances

At Kingsway Primary School we seek to ensure that all our pupils receive a full-time education which enables and encourages them to reach out for excellence and gives the best possible opportunities for children to realise their true potential. In order that our children gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that pupils attend school regularly.
The school aims for 100% attendance and regards good attendance to be 96% and above
Let us work together to improve attendance and help our pupils achieve their full potential!
School Success goes Hand in Hand with Good Attendance!
To help your child achieve 96% plus attendance:
- Encourage your child to attend and ensure they attend school every day.
- Watch the clock at breakfast time in order to be punctual for school.
- Ensure your child arrives in school on time each day.
- Phone the school by 9.30am if your child is ill or absent from school.
- Let the school know if your child has any urgent medical appointments during school time.
- Make routine medical and dental appointments outside school hours.
- Keep the school informed and provide medical evidence (Drs appointment cards or letters) for prolonged absences of 3 days or more.
- Have a back-up plan for getting your child to school if something comes up or you are ill. (Call on a family member, neighbour, friend or another parent).
- Arrange to take holidays outside of term time.
To help your child achieve 96% plus attendance, the school will:
- Do our best to contact you on the first day of absence if we have not been given a reason for absence.
- Give class and pupil attendance certificates and rewards.
- Contact you if we have any concerns over attendance and punctuality.
- Regularly monitor attendance and contact when attendance falls below the expected level.
- Meet with parents to discuss and support with any issues or concerns regarding attendance.
If you have any issues that may be impacting on your child’s attendance or require support with attendance, please contact the Attendance Improvement Officer at school.
Our Attendance Policy can be viewed here.
Reminders about Leave of Absence
From September 2013, the Government made changes to the law relating to school attendance, which, states: “Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances”.
Please be aware: –
- Any application for Leave of Absence must be made at least 2 weeks in advances in writing
- The Head Teacher must be satisfied that the circumstances are exceptional and warrant the granting of authorised leave.
- Additional evidence may be requested by the school to support exceptional circumstance requests
- Holidays, weddings, and other visits to relatives are not deemed to be exceptional and therefore would not be authorised
Leicestershire County Council will be advised of any absences recorded as unauthorised and may issue a Penalty Notice of £120 per parent per child (discounted to £60 if paid within 21 days), or the case could be referred by the Local Authority directly to the Magistrates Court.
Our Leave of Absence Form is attached here.
Our Leave of Absence Form for Religious Observance is attached here.