
All Key Stage 1 children will be given a piece of fruit each day during play time. This can range from apples to bananas to tomatoes. Key Stage 2 children are asked to bring fruit for break  time. This should be fruit only, no other snacks will be brought onto the playground or field.


Free milk is available for all children under the age of five in school, funded by the UK government.

In our school, Cool Milk is our provider, the UK’s leading school milk supplier. All you will need to do is simply register with Cool Milk directly via their website (; click here to see an information leaflet from Cool Milk.

When your child turns five, you are then able to pay a subsidised rate for your child to continue to receive milk. Cool Milk will then contact you at the appropriate time to arrange pre-payment.

All information handled by Cool Milk is processed in accordance with current Data Protection Legislation. The data will be stored securely on Cool Milk’s UK-based servers and will not be passed to third parties other than to UK Government departments for audit purposes.