The school uniform consists of a red top and dark trousers or skirt. Plain sweatshirts in the school colour are also acceptable.The Governors have asked that all parents do their utmost to ensure pupils attend school in the correct uniform.
A white shirt/t shirt or blouse worn underneath the top is recommended. When the weather is hot then the white shirt/t shirt or blouse is the preferred alternative. A summer dress in red and white gingham is acceptable.
Footwear should be ‘suitable for purpose’ and not of a high fashion nature. The preferred footwear should be black shoes although dark trainers are acceptable. Please do not allow your child to come to school in shoes with high heels as these can lead to accidents at playtimes. Children should be dressing for work not leisure.
Click the links below to download:
Kingsway What We Wear For School Guide [pdf]
Kingsway Uniform Checklist [pdf]

PE Lessons:
Black or grey shorts, a white or red T shirt are suitable for indoor PE lessons. Plimsolls or trainers with a light coloured sole should also be worn for safety reasons. Warm clothing will be required for outdoor games during cold weather and when the weather is wet and the ground muddy a change of footwear will also be needed.
A suitable bag to protect schoolbooks that may be required for work at home is recommended. Bags with the school crest may be purchased from the office.
Ordering School Uniform
You will now be able to order your child’s Kingsway uniform directly.
Please click on the link below –
The portal can also be found on their website below – and choose Kingsway Primary from the dropdown menu.

You will need to enter the password: Kingsway007

Gascoigne Clothing will send you an email confirming your order and also when it has been dispatched.